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Pamela Figueiro
location Buenos Aires
age 24
profession Comunicacion Social
highlites compometida - profesional
Interview mundinix
Photos mundinix


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Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


:: Events Type:: CIEX ::
Not a typical guided tour
Cultural Informations Experience

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general overview
Pamela : CIEX stands for Cultural Informations Experience, it's something similar, and, different, to a guided tour in the city
What makes the difference ?
Pamela: A guided tour it’s something kind of outdated these days, you have lots of blogs, travelling resources, photos, and data from the Internet. However, the experience is not online. So the CIEX it’s like a guided tour, without a professional tourist guide.
Who is the host instead of a professional tourist guide ?
Pamela : We are adjusting some details so in the near future, any Mundinix Member could be eligible to host the tour. For now, only some members are doing it, mainly Oryx and Ynandu.
So, is this about a guided tour, by an amateur guide ?
Pamela: It’s much more than that. It’s about exploring, non typical tourist oriented places, and sharing a unique experience
Where is happening ?
Pamela: In the cities we cover, only. We have selected activities that get out of the typical tourist circuit.
I like the person who perform the CIEX, is she / he available for “something more” ?
Pamela: CIEX hosts are very nice and great persons, members of Mundinix. The CIEX is about experiencing the city, even if you don’t speak the same language because it’s about understanding both people and the city as it is. The host will be reluctant to keep doing it if she / he feels uncomfortable. So we asked the attending members to keep correct and respectful manners (does not means to be cold) but don’t get there with other “something more” expectations, since if you do, we all lose: you’ll be disappointed, the host will be disappointed or upset, and if he/she does, mundinix team will need to apologize and we will lose at least two great members.
Can I request a tour ? (something I want to do in the city but it's not listed as an option)
Pamela: No, that’s not possible, CIEX are standard activities. If you want to do something different to the listed CIEX you may openly start a thread and suggest a different one, or you can ask for advise to the members, or, direct message the members.


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