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florencia blanco
meassures (cm) 94 - 65 - 89
age 18
height 170 cm.
weight 54 kg.
eyes dark_brown
skin type tan
hair color Honey


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Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


Fashion and Nightlife
Mundi is the latin name for world and nix was the ancient greek godess of the night

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What are doing currently ?
florencia : I'm in the fashion production industry, studying.
In your oppinion, what kind of productions makes easier to glow a fashion piece ?
florencia : I think that has much to do with the type of clothing you want to show, but my favorite it's a streetwear production because it shows the piece in a context, with a model, but also an environment, city, billboards, cars around. So it delivers a more deeper insight view.
Keeping in the same line, what do you think about the bandeaux fashion?
florencia : I think it's both a practical piece and also very aesthetic one, a great combo, the only cons is that you really need a fit body to get the 100% of reliability and confidence with it.
What is the special secret about mundinix bandeaux that makes it unique ?
florencia : All the pieces are unique and there are no two identical ones, in addition, bright colors and positive ideas makes these mundinix bandeaux a state-of-the-art fashion product.
Regarding mundinix, what would you reccomend to start reading to a person who has absolutely no knowledge about fashion and nightlife ?
florencia : Mundi is the latin name for world and nix was the ancient greek godess of the night, mundinix it's the starting point for a deep cruise in nightlife and fashion and for those without experiences I would recommend them to start reading the papers section.
And what would you reccomend to those who barely registered in ?
florencia : I would reccomend to them to start going to the nitelife options because there are different, bright and funny places to go and friends to go with.
How about the techical part of getting registered to a nitelife event ?
florencia : Very easy: you only need to know your USN (Unique Serial Number), insert it then the verification number and that's it, the system will do the rest.


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