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Kate Rodriguez
location Buenos Aires
age 25
profession Bailarina y Modelo
hobbie Bailo, canto y actuo
highlites Competitiva y diferente
languages en
Interview Premula
Photos Jisat


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Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


From NY to BA
Kate is a profesional dancer borned in Panama, she lived a few years in New York City, trying to get known with her dance in television.
"(...) I have been summoned to attend a dance major television show."
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How did you decide perfect yourself in the dance?
Kate : I always knew what he was doing since I was little, since I met the ball in my country, I knew that was my way.
Have you come to Argentina to try my luck?
Kate : Try by all means make my career as a dancer in New York, however, having no representative or connections, I turned very complicated insert myself in the field by the great competition there. So I came to Argentina in search of new alternatives.
How difficult was the decision?
Kate : Yes, it was difficult, especially because he knew the country. But browsing the web site found where my questions were answered immediately, the manager was very friendly and was at my disposal at all times, therefore I decided to rent accommodation on its website.
How was your trip?
Kate : There were many hours, I had to make a connecting flight to Atlanta and then take a flight to Buenos Aires. But it was worth it to reach that magical city.
You traveled with a job offer?
Kate : No, but to my surprise days after my arrival I found several job opportunities in different clubs and bars, just enough to show my dancing.
Do you currently have any interesting job offer?
Kate : Yes, I have called an important part of dance television show.
Have you accepted?
Kate : Not yet, tomorrow I will have a meeting where the final details converse. I know none of this would have been possible if he had not traveled to Argentina, I am deeply grateful to manager for the help they gave me before my trip. Today I am very happy I can to, I managed to find my place in the world, and now I can devote myself to what I always wanted.


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