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Carolina Longo
location Ciudad de Buenos Aires
age 30
profession Traductora
hobbie traslator
highlites Social
languages es
Interview Premula
Photos Mundirex


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Creative Commons License
Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


Travel without worries
Solucions Mundirex tells us about their services.
Why not prevent inconvenience to your trip?
Mundirex you can get to the beach Palm trees are on the beach

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This parragraph is intented to say something original
If you have a legal problem of an emergency ...
Carolina : We offer a safe anti-arrest that offers legal assistance you need within our areas of coverage, for more information see our YouTube video
If you could not enjoy your holiday weather problems
Carolina: With our perfect weather sure we offer a new booking with all payments accommodation costs for the days that the weather has allowed you to enjoy your vacation.
If you do not know what move to my stay or how I communicate my destiny ....
Carolina : Service Pack provides transportation from the airport to the lodge, and a cell phone and wifi. More information here:
If you do not know what move to my stay or how I communicate my destination and not want to pay guarantees ...
Carolina: Mundinix Pack offers transportation from the airport to the accommodation, plus a cell phone and wifi. As if this were not prune guarantee deposit must pay for your stay, just pay a fee.
If you do not understand the difference between Service Pack and Pack Secure ...
Carolina: The Mundinix Pack in addition to what the Service Pack offers, gives you the option not to pay a security deposit for your accommodation, only pay a fee.
If you do not know where to stay, what should I choose hotel or apartment?
Carolina: When you're choosing accommodation with different needs and possibilities, if you make a business trip for a couple of days, a hotel will be the most effective. But if you travel with your family in an apartment you will feel much more comfortable. Mundirex offers both possibilities and a very simple filter system that helps you choose the best option, but you can fill out a short form on our website and we'll find the exact solution for your next trip. Here you can see our video: Video
If I book an apartment in Mundirex, how proceed?
Carolina: They are just 5 steps: 1. Complete the form on the web. 2. You make the log in. 3. See if the department is available on the chosen date. 4. Make the sign of the department. 5. Receive confirmation of Mundirex. Juliet tells you the steps to follow: Video


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