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tamara noelia ruiz diaz
location chaco
age 21
profession estudiante
highlites simpatica y mucha paciencia
Interview Premula
Photos Kerista


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Share, the other face of Copyright
The world needs human beings informed.
"It is obviously a way by which the monsters of companies (producers of music, movies, etc.) Want to stop losing money with downloads uploaded by users."
Kerista unable to gain knowledge Kerista for Creative Commons

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Tell us, how did you come to represent the subject of copyright as a quasi-sadomasochistic abuse?
tamara noelia : It occurred to me because I think there is a great similarity between the two. Everything about copyright is restrictive and born of the Inquisition, as a means of regulating the information. At its inception, the copyright was used so that no one is entitled to make copies of texts were ideologically against the church and the English monarchy. And through the years, the original goal was distorting, and the right to copy was adapted to the times but persists in its restrictive ideology with information.
What was the draft law SOPA and why he was given so much importance?
tamara noelia : The SOPA bill, which means Stop Online Piracy Act, is a bill, submitted to the U.S. Senate in October 2011. It aims to "combat" illegal downloading of content like music and movies online. It is obviously a way by which the monsters of companies (producers of music, movies, etc.) Want to stop losing money with downloads uploaded by users. In conclusion, the information shared in web pages, forums and social media would be lost, the Internet will never be the same. Whole pages are censored, and written off, you might even start a legal case.
If such laws affect the United States, why should you worry about the rest of the world?
tamara noelia : Because, if for example you want to access a server from Argentina to the United States, is not possible. Also limited thereto contained Americans to see outside their country, which would lead to only use local content. Thanks to the Internet and its process of globalization is possible to transport and access information from anywhere in the world, which would not be possible if this law was passed. Affect millions of people, being apart of the global news and information.
What then of intellectual property and copyright? Who protects them?
tamara noelia : There really is no intellectual property. It is the most ridiculous, unheard and meaningless that people repeat ad nauseum. The property only exists relative to the material, a land, a house, a pencil, tangible things. Can not set a property on ideas. Ideas are of humanity as a whole, and help the development of our species.
In your opinion, to whom ideas?
tamara noelia : My opinion on the matter is this, we think that we, the people, live in society. Consequently, we can not claim an idea as his own at 100%. Moreover, most of the ideas are related to the perception of the world and usually arise in improving previous ideas and inventions. For example, electricity was not an invention that came from nowhere, was an improvement over other emerging inventions coming for thousands of years. For example, in the case of music, a deaf musician is never always based on what he has heard, improving or modifying the melodies and rhythms. A movie does not come out of nowhere, usually the scripts are based on previous ideas or facts, of society itself. These dialogues will be represented by the language and the language comes from the basic human need to communicate.
In economic terms, if the musicians do not make money do we run out of music?
tamara noelia : No, that statement is completely false and is used to scare people. The music existed before the emergence of the economy, and transcends today. The massive technology to record and copy music emerged only in the 1950s, above all live. Many musicians were never famous and even today, only a small percentage of millionaires and Rockstar are waging a glamorous life.
Do not you think appropriate for the state to protect the individual creation?
tamara noelia : That is another myth. Is the State that intends to protect, are companies that have real interest here, and who then charge artists a fee for each of your work.


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