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Caroline Harris
location BS.AS.
age 50
hobbie bailar y actuar
highlites alegre y trabajadora
languages es
Interview Premula
Photos Senexpat


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Creative Commons License
Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


A matter of attitude
Ernest and Caroline are a German couple who loves to travel.
"Every time I undertake a journey I feel I am facing a new challenge (...)"
photo senexpath

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Hi Caroline, can you tell us how you describe yourself?
Caroline : I am a dynamic woman, cheerful and extremely social.
What do you most passionate about?
Caroline: I am most passionate about in life is travel.
Caroline : I believe that each destination is different from before, is a new world to discover. Every time I undertake a journey I feel I am facing a new challenge, I put to the test, which makes me feel more alive than ever.
Tell us about your family?
Caroline: I am a married woman 47 years ago, I have a model husband and kids for whom I feel an immense pride.
Do your journeys you make with them?
Caroline: My journeys performed with my husband, he enjoys as much as I of them. We like doing all kinds of activities, on our last trip we went to Spain and made a balloon ride, an unforgettable experience.
Have you always liked to travel?
Caroline: Yes, but before we could make these trips, at first because our children were very young and, when they grew up, we deprive ourselves of many things to pay them for their future university studies. Now that they are independent and have their families have more time and money to invest in us.
Finally, where a travel lodge?
Caroline: We chose the stay in apartments, we are big people and we like the comfort they offer. We use Senexpat, there you can find rentals in different tourism destinations worldwide, making it ideal for travelers like us. I love it, is an extremely simple website, easy to handle and, above all, reliable. No doubt, I recommend it.


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