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Unitav Rally Adventure |
By could realize his dream sports and also enjoy the beautiful landscapes of South America. |
"A truly unforgettable experience" |
What is the Dakar? |
The Dakar Rally is an annual competition which is considered one of the toughest in the world. Since its founding in 1979, the route of the race has shifted to different countries. Precisely, named for the original layout of the race beginning in Paris, France and ending in Dakar, Senegal. |
How do you know |
Since, for political reasons, the race moved to South America, sought information about the opportunities to attend this great event and by the way, visit a continent not known. To my surprise I found site, provided the information I needed to finally fulfill my dream to see this rally. |
What type of information found in Unitav? |
I needed detailed information on each site visit. I found everything on transport to various points along the way, where staying and what to visit in my free time to enjoy this trip. |
I enjoyed this holiday and see the natural wonders offered by Argentina, Chile and Peru. |
Remember that every point of the race I lived with enthusiasm, was present every day in each section and it was as if she was taking part of it. A truly unforgettable experience. |
The constant adrenaline you live, but I'm just a spectator, I felt at all times. |
Do you think back to attend next year? |
No doubt, South America has become my new favorite destination. And Unitav my new way of renting accommodation. |
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